The vampire bats facts for kids are thoroughly exciting and appealing to read particularly for the ferventchildren. Unlike conventional bats, the vampire bats are singled out merely on the basis of their ability to drink blood, which is why other bats have become notorious and sounds perilous for humans. Nestled inside the caverns, these bats usually take a nap in the daylight hours while perched in an amazing fashion on its head. They hound in the late hours of darkness and more often than not, they go after livestock. However, humans are not set apart from the sting of these little horrible creatures. They are habitual of killing their victim from the land and have fewer but pointed teeth primarily due to the bulk of liquid diet. What’s more, they draw together in gatherings of almost one hundred animals and belong to the family of Phyllostomidaw (Desmodontidae).
Vampire Bats Facts for Kids
Blood Feeding Facts
- One of the mind-boggling vampire bats facts is that a group of hundred bats have the combined capacity to imbibe blood that is equivalent to almost twenty five cows.
- They imbibe blood continually for almost half an hour. The saliva (draculin) of these mammals precludes the blood from getting halted and thus never allows the blood to form clots.
- They have a natural heat sensor that is installed at the nose and helps them to track down their ultimate victim’s stream of blood.
- Those animals that become victims to these blood-licking creatures do not actually get wounded by the discharge of blood.
- If they fail to find blood of any animal for almost 2 consecutive weeks, they’ll definitely breathe their last.
- They do not suck blood from their prey rather they licks up as soon as the blood comes out from the abrasion and can slurp up to 25 ml of blood within half an hour period.

Wingspan of Vampire bats & their Eyesight
- The wingspan of vampire bats ranges up to eight inches.
- They flutter almost 3 feet high above the land.
- Contrary to some popular mythologies, they have extremely fine eyesight since they are capable to trace a cow standing at a fair gap of almost 430 feet. Thus, it is one of the notable vampire bats facts.
Weight of Vampire bats
What’s more regarding vampire bats facts is that the weight of these bats may vary from fifteen to fifty grams at the most.

General Vampire Bats Facts
- While in incarceration, they can reside for almost 20 years. However, generally they inhabit for about 12 years.
- They can stroll or perhaps sprint at the pace of about 2 meters per second.
- They reside at an altitude of almost 7,500 feet high above the ground.
- At each year, more than 100,000 cattle kick the bucket solely from the incision of vampire bats.
- In recent times, the study revealed that the saliva from these bats is actually 20 times more solid than any other anti clotting agent.
Where Do Vampire Bats Live?
- Central America
- Mexico
- South America
- North Mexico
- Central Argentina
- Uruguay
- South Chile
- Isle of Trinidad
- Caverns
- Tree craters
- Homes
- Ancient wells
- Mine ducts
- Tropical as well as subtropical regions
What Do Vampire Bats Eat?
Vampire bats do not eat anything actually instead they take in a lot of blood from other animals like:
- Horse
- Birds
- Pigs
- Cows
- Tapirs
- Burros
- Humans (although once in a while)
Vampire Bats Facts – Predators
- Owls
- Snakes
- Hawks
- Eagles
Types Of Vampire Bats
- Diaemus youngi
- Desmodus rotundus
- Diphylla ecaudata
How Many Species Of Bats Are There?
- Common vampire bat
- White-winged vampire bat
- Hairy-legged vampire bat
Do Bats Bite?Other Bats Facts
Yes, certainly they do bite but their bite is not detrimental for the victim. However, their wound may easily cause rabies as well as Chagas’s ailment.
Baby Bats Facts (Pups)
- Surprisingly, the juvenile bats go after milk of their mother bats instead of blood and they do so for almost 3 months.
- Subsequent to the birth of baby bats, several other bats are witnessed to nourish the mother bat for almost 2 weeks.
Are Bats Mammals?
Yes, certainly they are mammals since the pups are nourished by mother’s milk and also because they are warm blooded. In ancient times, people believed that bats are birds instead of mammals however; they considered them as featherless birds. Nevertheless in the present age as the experts further delved into the study of bats, they found out that featherless birds is a wasted term for bats. But one of the most astounding features of bats is that they are distinct flying mammals on earth.
How Do Bats Fly?
- Unlike traditional birds and flying insects, bats have entirely distinct approach for taking flight into the air. The wingspan of bats shows great movement and they may also produce dissimilar appearances and movements.
- The wingspan of bats is found to be interspersed with more than 24 seams.
- Bats have relatively more flexibility while flying into the air as compare to other birds. The membranes of these mammals are designed specifically in such a way that they are able to bend easily and at almost 180-grade measurement. The patagium is mainly used for descending purpose while they can elevate themselves with comparatively less vigor than the traditional birds.
- Having slender belly, dumpy neck and a big upper body, these mammals are naturally built for air travel. The whole physical structure needs extensive as well as slim surface (probably ‘airfoil’) to facilitate flying. The wings of the bats are designed to propel their flight. The entire skeleton of bats is actually enveloped within the transparent membrane thereby enabling them to have an airfoil surface. While on the upstroke, a good number of bats tuck their wings with the intention of toning down air defiance. The colossal muscles of these mammals help them to have strong upstrokes and down strokes. The movement of bats’ wings is akin to our fingers and one of the two wings is mainly used to guide and slam on the brakes. There are some bats that can hang around in the air for quite a while, whereas few take pleasure from slithering through the air.
Why Do Bats Hang Upside Down?
You may have tried to unearth the mystery about why do bats hang upside down? However, there are few physical traits embedded by nature that enable them to position in a similar fashion. Many experts have stumbled upon several grounds bearing out the very posture as a natural style for bats.
To start with, the inverted posture for bats is surprisingly makes them to be in a perfect stance for taking a flight. Bats do not have the ability to propel themselves right from the land primarily because the wings are unable to engender great power required for raising them up. Besides, the rear legs of bats are diminutive thereby it is almost out of the question to generate ample velocity that is indispensable for a takeoff. Thus, in order to have a perfect and rapid departure, bats makes use of their obverse claws to cling beneath the roof of a cave.
Through adhering to the roof by wrong side up, they also manage to avert any potential hazard. In the daylight hours, dangerous birds may come into action and aim at these bats. However, they are quite smart enough to deceive them and move away from the open places that are more prone to the predators. Bats do not need to put any extra energy while hanging overturned instead when they come to a decision for taking flight, only then the effort is needed. When they are lying down inverted and resting, you may not be able to distinguish whether they are deceased or alive in that many departed bats in the very posture remains there unless any other bat joggles them. The entire load of the bats is put on the tendons that are responsible for making their feet to cuddle with the ceiling.
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