The ruby throated hummingbird facts generalize all the characteristics that are embedded in this beautiful bird. This is a small hummingbird that belongs to the family of Archilochus colubris. Amongst all the species, this is the only hummingbird that subsists and engages in regular nesting activities all throughout the Mississippi River in North America.
Ruby throated Hummingbird Facts
- The length of these birds measure about 7 – 9 cm.
- The wingspan is 8 – 11 cm.
- Ruby throat hummingbird weighs around 3 grams.
- These species are metallic green from above while the lower part of the body shows grayish color.
- The bill is long and straight as an arrow.
- The females are slightly larger in comparison to the males.
- The males have larger beaks as compared to females.
- Ruby throated hummingbird begins to migrate in the autumn season.
- These species have the highest requirement of oxygen amongst all vertebrae. They breathe 500 times per minute.
Habitat Facts about the Ruby throated Hummingbird
- These species breed on pine forests, lush green gardens, and orchards all throughout the North America.
- The females are responsible for constructing a nest which they build in a safer place.
- These are the migratory birds and most of them travel during winter season to the South America.
- These birds predominantly found in the woodland and meadow coupled with the mature trees.
- These species are familiarized with humans.

Ruby throated Hummingbird Behavior Facts
- These species are introverted in that they don’t often come into contact except during mating.
- Both parents tend to defend their chicks from any kind of predators.
- They travel more than 500 miles across the Gulf of Mexico. This is a non-stop flight over the water. These birds feed too much in days just before migration, in order to gain calories that help them retain energy during the long journey.
- Most part of the daytime, ruby throated hummingbird remains busy in feeding while they conserve energy at night.
- These species are extraordinarily susceptible to predators due to their small size.
- More than 30% of their body weight comprise of muscles.
- These types of hummingbirds beat 55 times in one second.
What do Ruby throated Hummingbirds Eat?
- These birds take nectar, small insects, little spiders, and small arthropods.
- These species are very fond of red tubular flowers which facilitate them to intake nectar.
- Apart from nectar, they also feed on leaves and barks.

Facts about Ruby throated Hummingbird Reproduction
- The males turn up when the spring season arrives and set up a territory so as to disallow any nearby hummingbird to approach.
- Ruby throated hummingbird is polygynous and they do not form breeding pairs.
- The males flap their wings 200 times in one second.
- Females respond to the concerned males by giving them a call or flapping its wings.
- They build their nests 10 – 20 feet above the ground. The size of the nest is 0.5 × 0.3 in.
- Females lay 2 eggs, with the size of about 12.9 – 8.5 mm.
- They feed their chicks 2 – 3 times in an hour.
- The chicks fledge after 22 – 25 days.
- These birds regularly feed on 1,000 to 2,000 flowers each day.
- The average lifespan of ruby throated hummingbird is 5 – 9 years.
- Females incubate eggs for 12 – 16 days