When it comes to the difference between male and female eagles, the first and foremost kind that often grabs your attention is the bald eagle. Bald eagle is by far one of the worth seeing eagles that fall under the category of fish eagle. What’s more, it is the national bird of America and a symbol of pride for the American people. In order to make out a female bald eagle from the male ones, you need to monitor them minutely since it is a demanding task to differentiate between the two. Although there are only minor disparities, but still some parts may give you an idea about the particular gender.
Real Difference Between Male And Female Bald Eagles
Thus, the difference between male and female bald eagles is quite apparent but only if you examine the two very closely. With reference to their magnitude, female surpass the male bald eagles since they are big enough to be recognized easily. As compare to the male bald eagles, females are bigger by nearly 3 to 5 inches and reaching up to a size of almost 37 inches. Out of the four talons, one is at the rear called hallux while the rest are standing in front of the bird. So the male bald eagles have normally shorter hallux than their counterparts. Likewise, males usually have not as deep beaks as the female bald eagles have and the depth is gauged by measuring the distance from the uppermost part of the beak downwards, right toward the chin area. It is the common difference between male and female eagles. Besides, the sounds of two eagles may be another determining factor since the frequency of sounds varies greatly. It is evident that male bald eagle normally have high pitch sound as compare to the females.
Last but not the least, the general difference between male and female eagles may be spotted by the variation in the approach of respective genders since females are relatively less violent than male eagles.

Latest News About Bald Eagles
On March 9, 2012, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has conceded Wyoming ethnic groups a legal permission to slay just two bald eagles soaring beyond the Wind River Indian Reservation solely on the basis of their sacred principles. However, they’ve pointed finger at this permit and revived a lawful trial versus Federal Government on the footing that state is deterring them from the liberty of observing religious practices. [1]
More Facts About Eagle
- Harpy Eagle Facts
- Types of Eagles
- Bald Eagle Facts
- Golden Eagle Facts
- Philippine Eagle Facts
- Wedge Tailed Eagle Facts
Difference Between Male And Female Eagles Video
[1] Ben Neary, “APNewsbreak: Wyo. Tribe blasts bald eagle permit,” Star-Telegram, published on March 30, 2012, http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/03/30/3848536/apnewsbreak-wyo-tribe-blasts-bald.html
thank you very much much appreciated
This is a great video! Thanks so much for the explanation, and taking the time to do it.