This article is about wandering albatross facts that allow you take a deep insight about the bird. The bird belongs to the family of Diomedeidae and it exists in the Southern part of the Ocean. Apart from this bird, snowy owl and white winged albatross also falls under the same category of family. The bird species has long been recognized as the same specie to which Tristan and Antipodean Albatross belong. Wandering albatross is certainly the largest birdwith a wide wingspan.
The wandering albatrosses are also known for widespread variations in their sounds; at times they produce grunts, screams or sounds of bill clapping. These birds have a distinctive way of demonstrating their courting; wandering albatross wave its head or clap its bill whilst courting. They can survive up to 50 years.
Wandering Albatross Facts
- The average length of a wingspan ranges from 2-51 to 3-50 m (8-2 to 11-5 feet).
- The largest wingspan measures at 3-7 m (12 feet), 4-22 m (13.8 feet) and 5-3 m (17 feet).
- Since it has the longest wingspan amongst all the avian creatures, it can travel 22 m for every meter of drop.
- The length of the wandering albatross is 107 to 135 m (3.51 to 4-43 feet).
- The males are greater as compared to females.
- The average weight of these birds is around 5.9 to 12.7 kg (13 to 28 lb).
- The maximum weight recorded is about 16.1 kg (35 lb).
- The color of the chicks is brown which is quite different when they grow up.
- The plumage of an adult is white in color.
- Amongst all the albatross species, the wandering albatross is considered to be the whitish bird.
- The legs and beak are pink in color.
- The maximum age of wandering albatross is 50 years.
Wandering Albatross Habitat Facts
- Wandering albatross spends most of their time on flying.
- Naturalists maintain that it’s not an easy task to measure how much distance wandering albatross covers; however, a rough estimate is that it travels 6000 km in just 12 days.
Wandering Albatross Breeding Facts
- They are the monogamous birds and they make partners for a lifetime.
- They breed after every 2 years.
- One of the common places where these birds usually breed is sub antarctic islands.
- The breeding period begins from November.
- They usually build nests near water.
- Both males and females go out for hunting in search of foodstuff for their chicks.

What do albatross eat?
- These birds typically feed when the night falls.
- Their diet includes small fish, crustaceans, and cephalapods.
- At times they eat so much so that it becomes impossible for them to take a flight.
- These birds are capable to make shallow dive.
- Squid, octopus, and cuttlefish also make most of the diet.
Reproduction Facts of Wandering Albatross
- The females lay only 1 egg in the breeding season.
- The eggs are not pure white rather they have few spots.
- The length of the eggs measures about 10 cm (3-9 in).
- December and January are the two months when females lay most of the eggs.
- The period of incubation (keeping warm) lasts for 10 weeks.
- Both Males and females contribute to the incubation process.
- Adults usually return to their colonies after 5 to 6 years.
- These birds cover 64.7 million sq. kilometers around the globe.
- The breeding range encompasses 1,900 sq. kilometers.
- Islands including Georgia islands, South island, Marion Island, and Prince Edward Island are few of the most common places where these birds are the frequent visitors.
- The average lifespan is 10 – 15 years.