There is no element of surprise in the fact that a lot of people want to pet a bird that is gentle, well-suited, and friendly enough to be your companion. Honestly speaking, these traits are particularly crucial for individuals who have limited experience with pets. It is because it is usually more accessible for people to bond with an animal or bird that is naturally compassionate, rather than the one who may be aggressive or timid.
All your pet birds, regardless of the species and behaviour, must be treated as individuals. Still, it is possible to reduce the risk of aggression and biting by selecting a notable species for its friendly and gentle demeanour.
Here, we are listing out some of the friendliest bird species that you can find.

Budgerigar enjoys distinct popularity all around the world. Also known as parakeets or budgie, these are indeed one of the best pets to have, certainly for a good reason. If you tame them well, the Budgerigar can be incredibly affectionate and friendly, says Martha, who offers online assignment help and is a Budgerigar mom. They are relatively low-maintenance and tiny in size. They respond well to training and can perform some extraordinarily fun bird tricks. You can even teach them how to talk.
Overview of the specie
Length of Budgerigar
Six to eight inches
Weight of Budgerigar
One ounce
Physical characteristics
Back – Black and yellow
Abdomen – Green
Head – Yellow
Tail – Dark Blue
Mutations are primarily gray, white, yellow, and blue.
The Cockatiel is a highly captivating bird, which is an excellent choice for anyone who desires an affectionate and friendly pet. Cockatiel hails from Australia and is an excellently friendly pet. Jennifer, who offers online python homework helpservices at TAE, says that she hand-feeds her Cockatiel just like a baby. Well, it results in the formation of impeccably friendly pets. Do ensure that they are raised in a positive environment. Though they do not communicate or speak, regardless of that, it is an intelligent bird. Some of the Cockatiel learn to mimic some household noises, such as microwaves, doorbells, and telephones. They can also whistle very well.
Overview of the specie
Length of Cockatiel
Twelve to thirteen inches
Weight of Cockatiel
Three ounces
Physical characteristics
Body – Gray
Face and crest – Yellow
Cheeks – Orange
They have a long tail.
Mutations are primarily cinnamon, lutino, albino, and pied.
For people who prefer a friendly, affectionate, and large bird, the perfect bird choice is a cockatoo, says Raina, who offers the best product management courses.These beautiful birds bond very well with the people taking care of them. The good thing about cockatoo is that they enjoy being around their caretakers as often as possible. You must give your bird some time and socialize with them. The bird can become depressed if you do not provide adequate attention to them. When depressed, they may resort to destructive behaviors and feather plucking.
Overview of species
Length of Cockatoo
18 inches
Weight of Cockatoo
Sixteen to twenty-six ounces
Physical characteristics
Mainly white plumage
Wings and tail– Pale yellow
Crest – Large white
Beak – Black
Hyacinth Macaw
Hyacinth Macaws are the gentle giants, and are the largest of all parrots, says Hannah, who offers online economics homework help at EduWorldUSA.These are friendly and pleasant birds. They love nothing more than spending time cuddling and playing with their owners. Given their size, it can be difficult for many people to provide appropriate housing for these birds. However, the people who can cater to the needs are well-rewarded with a great relationship with their lovely feathered friend.
Overview of species
Length of Hyacinth Macaw
40 inches
Weight of Hyacinth Macaw
Forty-two to fifty-one ounces
Physical characteristics
Solid blue plumage
Yellow patches around beak and eyes
Feet – Dark gray
Beak – Black
You might not think of a dove as a naturally friendly pet, but your pet, the hand-fed dove, will always be gentle and sweet. These birds do not bite, and even the people who do not have much experience with the birds will find it relatively easier to bond and train them. Doves love their companionship with the caretakers, but they are not overly demanding of the attention.
Overview of species
Length of Dove
11 to 13 inches
Weight of Dove
Five to eight ounces
Physical characteristics
Plumage of browns and dull grays
Black collar around the nape of the neck
Beak and eyes – Black
Mutations comprise white, pied, and orange
Parrotlets are both spunky and relatively easy to care for. They are known for having a personality that is much larger than their little body. If you are thinking of owning parrotlet, you should have adequate time to socialize and play with them. Improper or infrequent handling can make them wild. However, people who bond and interact with their parrotlets form a strong bond with them.
Overview of species
Length of parrotlet
Four to five inches
Weight of parrotlet
One ounce
Physical characteristics
Body – Green
Head – Green
Back and eyes – Blue on the back and behind the eyes
Mutations comprise white, yellow, and blue