Pets always calm nerves and bring delight. In the student years, there are a of studies, and this leads to stress, lack of sleep, and many other problems. There are several ways to handle this. First, contact the writing service Secondly, get a pet bird in your dorm room. And in this article, you will find the most suitable options for your dorm room.
1. Goldfinch
An adorable feathered creature, which is particularly mainstream in houses and flats. The goldfinches have a splendid alluring shading, it sings agreeably and rapidly becomes accustomed to the proprietor. These winged animals are honest – a little cage is sufficient for them, which must be put in a sunny spot without drafts or direct daylight. To tame goldfinches quicker, you have to put the cage where you will consistently be in front of your pet’s eyes. After some time, the goldfinches will look at you with interest. You can take care of goldfinches with a grain blend with a high substance of oilseeds. They love greens, just as fresh spruce branches.
READ: Bird Cages for Cockatiels on Amazon

2. Siskin
Small and straightforward in appearance, it is an extremely provocative singer, rapidly becomes acclimated to its proprietor, and in the long run, turns out to be totally tame. Siskins love green plants, remember to grow seeds for them. To keep this winged pet, a little cage with transverse sticks is adequate, in which the little siskin will turn and sing melodies throughout the day.
3. Bullfinch
This bright inquisitive flying creature very quickly gets used to life in the apartment. lt doesn’t sing, yet whistles rather pleasantly. Bullfinches are well disposed with people and exhibit a longing to converse with their proprietor, particularly on the off chance that you present to it a few treats. The basis of the nourishment of grown-up bullfinches is grain blends – millet, oats, seeds, and pine. To guarantee a reasonable eating regimen, feathered creatures should be given greens and rowan berries.
4. Zebra Finch
Zebra finch is unusually spectacular due to its bright and beautiful plumage. These birds not only look fabulous but also sing beautifully. They are considered paired, so it is better to keep two or three zebra finches at home so that they are not bored. Zebra finches look very interesting – white and black stripes alternate on their chest, neck, and tail. Japanese zebra finches are brownish, chocolate, beige, and yellow; they make funny hissing sounds. Diamond zebra finches are distinguished by white spots on the sides of the body, and the scales in the chest have a pattern in the form of scales. Gould zebra finches are also impressive in beauty – with a redhead and a body painted in multi-colored stripes.
Since the zebra finches are southern birds, place the cage in a warm place so that the sun’s rays always fall on it. But the cage should also have a corner where the birds can hide from the sun. In winter, zebra finches should be given special attention, ensuring a comfortable temperature and sufficient artificial lighting in the cage (aviary), otherwise, they will become ill.
These birds need space, so instead of a cage, it is better to get an aviary, especially if you buy a couple of birds. The most suitable food for zebra finches is a mixture of millet, oatmeal, meadow herbs, hemp, and flax. In the diet of birds should be leaves of plantain and dandelion, cottage cheese, and boiled eggs. Mineral top dressing is also necessary – sea sand and chalk.
Zebra finches are smart, emotional, and friendly birds. They are loving and will certainly reciprocate your care and attention!
5. Aratinga
The most famous parrot, coexisting admirably with people. Aratingas got this name because of the brilliant shade of the plumes. The fundamental tone is red hot yellow, and the power of the shading relies upon the species. The cage for aratinga ought to be big with the goal that the parrot won’t harm the wings. To cause the ratings to feel great, it is prudent to prepare a small nest in the cage, and for amusement – swings, and toys. lt is additionally worth remembering that these flying creatures are touchy to drafts and temperature boundaries. Under normal conditions, these parrots feed on plant nourishments – seeds, vegetables, natural products, nuts. The main disadvantage of this bird is its loud voice. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep them in groups.
Summing up
When you have to study hard it is also necessary to have something for pleasure. A pet always has a positive effect on the mental state. We have compiled for you a list of pet birds that you can keep right in your dorm room. So, feel free to choose one and enjoy.