Surely, you won’t be able to find too many Indian birds pictures with names in one place. This article covers all types of birds that are endemic to India. Not only this, it also peers around some of the imperative Indian bird facts that are rarely known elsewhere. It goes without saying that birds have always been an interesting way of looking at the nature’s aim; however, some birds really deserve a lot of attention as compared to others. Indian birds are one of them.
Indian Birds Pictures with Names

Grebe belongs to the family of Podicipediformes and is extensively found in fresh water. These types of birds begin to migrate in winter season. These kinds of birds are the best when it comes to swimming; they can run unorthodoxly on land. Two of the South American grebes are the flightless birds. Grebes weigh around 120 g (4.3 oz), and the highest weight measures about 1.7 kg (3.8 lbs) of a great grebe. These Indian birds are 23.5 cm (9.3 in) long. These species frequently preen their feathers and feed them to their chicks. One of the primary reasons of this activity may be to avoid gastric parasites. Grebes have so many characteristics in common with flamingos. Morphological study shows that these two species have more than 11 common traits.
Still biologists aren’t sure about the grebes’ fossil records. Few of these are:
- Podicipedidae gen. et sp. indet. (San Diego)
- Podicipedidae gen. et sp. Indet (Pliocene, US)
- Podicipedidae gen. et sp. Indet (Idaho, US)
Types of Grebes
- Little Grebe
- Madagascar Grebe
- Least Grebe
- Alaotra Grebe
- Australasian Grebe
- Pied-billed Grebe
- White-tufted Grebe
- Hoary-headed Grebe
- Red-necked Grebe
- Horned Grebe
- Columbian Grebe
- Great Grebe
- Silvery Grebe
- Hooded Grebe
- Junin Grebe
- Black-necked Grebe

The loons are the groups of marine birds that are endemic to North America and some parts of Eurasia. These are the members of genus Gavia, and belongs to the family of Gaviidae in the same kingdom of Animalia. These are also the provincial birds of Ontario.
These are the big birds and resembles very much to that of ducks or goose. There is no significant difference between the males and females plumage. When it comes to swimming, there are not better swimmers other than loons. However, they are reluctant to come on land more often. They can fly even though it’s a demanding task for loons to take flight directly from the water surface. The lifespan of loons is about 30 years. The breeding season lasts from May to June and the clutch size comprises 2 eggs only. The chicks are dependent on their parents for their first 2 weeks and they can’t swim. These juveniles become independent after a period of 90 days. Parents stop feeding them after 6 weeks of their birth. Loons frequently submerge while swimming and hunting.
What Do Loons Eat?
These types of birds predominantly feed on fish, crustaceans, amphibians, crayfish, frogs, snails, moths, leeches, beetles, fauna, and vertebrates. Like emus, they also ingest few pebbles that help them in the digestion process. Loons also eat salamanders.
Where Do Loons Live?
These birds are usually found on the freshwater lakes, ponds, wetlands, and other coastal waters. They largely prefer greater bodies of water and build nests nearby these lakes. Loons make use of leaves, grass, wigs, and moss to construct their nests. The incubation (keeping warm) period lasts for 28 days. Males are normally responsible for selecting the nest location.
Types of loons
- Red-throated loon
- Pacific loon
- Black-throated loon
- Yellow-billed loon
- Gavia sp.
- Gavia egeriana Švec,
- Gavia schultzi Mlíkovský,
- Gavia sp. (Pleistocene of Maryland, USA)
- Gavia spp. (Middle Miocene of Steinheim, Germany)
- Gavia brodkorbi Howard, 1978 (USA)
- Gavia moldavica Kessler, 1984 (Moldova)
- Gavia paradoxa Umanska, 1981 (Ukraine)
- Gavia concinna Wetmore, 1940 (Late USA)
- Gavia sp. (Italy)
- Gavia sp. (Ukraine)
- Gavia palaeodytes Wetmore, 1943 (USA)
- Gavia howardae Brodkorb, 1953 (USA)
- Gavia cf. concinna (USA)
- Gavia sp. (Ukraine)
- Gavia cf. immer

Shearwaters are the medium sized members of a genus Calonectris. Petrels are the close relatives of shearwaters. These types of Indian birds normally subside in cold waters. There is a long list Indian birds pictures with names in which shearwater is notable. They are the migratory birds and can travel distances of 14,000 km (8,700 miles) toward several Islands. Most of these birds migrate towards North Atlantic Islands, Pacific ocean, Alaska, Arctic Ocean, Copeland Islands, Argentine, Brazil, and Falkland islands. These are the nocturnal birds and they mostly breed on coastal cliffs. Shearwaters primarily feed on fish, and other aquatic food. They are capable to dive 70 m (230 feet) deep into the water.
Types of Shearwaters
- Cape Verde Shearwater
- Cory’s Shearwater
- Streaked Shearwater
- Bryan Shearwater
- Yelkouan Sheawater
- Black-vented Shearwater
- Hutton’s Shearwater
- Fluttering Shearwater
- Little Shearwater
- Newell’s Shearwater
- Galapagos Shearwater
- Manx Shearwater
- Scooty Shearwater
- Flesh-footed Shearwater
- Great Shearwater

Tropicbirds belong to the family of Phaethontidae. There are no close relatives of tropicbirds. Biologists have found 3 species of tropicbirds. They have long feathers along with white plumage. Tropicbirds are 76 cm (102 inches) long, with a wingspan of about 94 cm (112 inches).
Tropicbirds actively grab their prey on the water surface. These birds have a strong position in a list of Indian birds pictures with names because of their unique characteristics. Unlike African or Australian birds, tropicbirds typically feed on flying fish and squids. They are found both in colonies and alone. They tend to join small gatherings in the breeding season especially. There are more than 2 to 20 individuals in a flock.
They build nests on a rocky cliffs or crevice. The incubation period lasts for 40- 46 days. Both parents are responsible for the incubation process; nevertheless females are mostly involved. The chicks depend on their parents for their feed in the first 90 days.
Types of Tropicbirds
- Red-billed Tropicbird
- White-tailed Tropicbird
- Red-tailed Tropicbird

A pelican belongs to the family of Pelecanidae and the word derived from the Greek word Pelekys (Axe). These American pelicans mainly live in the Western Canada. These kinds of Indian birds are not found in the coastal waters, oceanic islands, and in South America. The smallest pelicans were weighed to be 2.75 kg (6 lb), with the length of 106 cm (42 inches), and a wingspan of 1.83 m (6 feet). However, the largest pelican weighs around 15 kg (33 lb), with the wingspan of 3 m (10 feet), and a length of 183 cm (72 inches). Amongst all birds, Australian Pelicans have the longest bill. They are relatively good swimmers. There are about 25 – 40 feathers at its wings. Both parents are responsible for incubating (keeping warm) eggs. Females normally lay 2 eggs. The chicks begin to come out of their nests after 6 – 8 weeks. They make pairs for long time. The estimated population of these birds is about 10,000 to 20,000 individuals.
What Do Pelicans Eat?
These birds predominantly feed on fish, crustaceans, amphibians, and smaller birds. Apart from small fishes, they also eat large sized fish which they usually toss up in the air and then gulp it down to throat.
Fossils of Pelican
- A number of fossil species are also known from the extant genus Pelecanus:
- Pelecanus halieus (Late Pliocene of Idaho, USA)
- Pelecanus cadimurka
- Pelecanus cauleyi
- Pelecanus gracilis
- Pelecanus halieus
- Pelecanus intermedius
- Pelecanus lazerus
- Pelecanus odessanus
- Pelecanus schreiberi
- Pelecanus sivalensis
- Pelecanus tirarensis

Gannets are large seabirds that belong to the Morus family. They have a wingspan of 2 m. These birds are primarily found in the North Atlantic, Southern New Zealand and Australia. These kinds of birds largely forage fish underwater. Gannets are capable to dive from a 30 m height. They breed on coastal waters or islands. The chicks are pure black. These beautiful birds are mostly found in Canada, Shetland Isles, Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Firth of Forth, bay of Biscay, Isle of Lewis, Grassholm and Quebec.
Fossils of Gannets
Fossil species of gannets are:
- Morus loxostylus (Early Miocene of EC USA)—includes M. atlanticus
- Morus olsoni (Middle Miocene of Romania)
- Morus lompocanus (Lompoc Late Miocene of Lompoc, USA)
- Morus magnus (Late Miocene of California)
- Morus peruvianus (Pisco Late Miocene of Peru)
- Morus vagabundus (Temblor Late Miocene of California)
- Morus willetti (Late Miocene of California)—formerly in Sula
- Morus sp. (Temblor Late Miocene of Sharktooth Hill, USA: Miller 1961)—possibly M. magnus
- Morus sp. 1 (Late Miocene/Early Pliocene of Lee Creek Mine, USA)

The darters are also known as snakebirds and these birds belong to the family of Anhingidae. These birds measure 80 – 100 cm (2.6 – 3.3 feet) by length, with a wingspan of about 120 cm (3.9 feet). Darters weigh around 1,050 – 1,350 g (37 – 48 oz). These types of birds have snake like physical appearance which is why they are called snakebirds. Darters are largely found in the subtropical regions and are extensively found in wetlands, fresh waters, ponds, swamps, seashore, rivers, lakes, mangroves, bays, and lagoons. These birds do not migrate.
Darters predominantly feed on fish, aquatic vertebrates, and large invertebrates. They are often hunted down by predators like raven, house crow, large birds of prey, pallas’s fish eagle, and crocodiles. They are known to breed in large colonies and the breeding season ranges from March to April. Females are normally responsible for constructing the nests and male brings on the material like leaves, wigs, and reeds. It takes 2 – 3 days to construct a nest. The clutch size comprises 2 – 6 pale green eggs. The chicks remain with their parents for couple of weeks and after which they are on their own. They become mature after 2 years with the average lifespan of 7 – 9 years. The maximum lifespan of darters is 16 years.
Types of Darter
- Anhinga or American Darter
- Oriental Darter or Indian Darter
- African Darter
- Australasian Darter or Australian Darter
Fossils of Darter
- Anhinga subvolans
- Anhinga cf. grandis
- Anhinga sp.
- “Anhinga” fraileyi
- Anhinga pannonica Lambrecht
- Anhinga minuta
- Anhinga grandis

Cormorant belongs to the family of Phalacrocoracidae and is also known as shags. These birds of India are medium sized species and are 45 cm (18 inches) long. Cormorants weigh around 340 g (12 oz). The average weight of these types of birds is about 6.3 kg (14 lb). Most of these species subside in the northern and southern Hemisphere. They are usually found in the coastal regions rather than water. Cormorants mainly feed on fish, eels, and water snakes. These birds are widely distributed throughout the globe except in the Pacific islands.
Types of Cormorants
- Double-crested Cormorant or White-crested Cormorant
- Neotropic Cormorant or Olivaceous Cormorant
- Little Black Cormorant
- Great Cormorant or Black Shag
- White-breasted Cormorant
- Indian Cormorant,
- Cape Cormorant
- Socotra Cormorant
- Bank Cormorant or Wahlberg’s Cormorant
- Japanese Cormorant or Temminck’s Cormorant
- Brandt’s Cormorant, Phalacrocorax penicillatus
- Spectacled Cormorant
Fossils of Cormorants
- Phalacrocorax marinavis
- Phalacrocorax littoralis
- Phalacrocorax intermedius
- Phalacrocorax macropus
- Phalacrocorax ibericus
- Phalacrocorax lautus
- Phalacrocorax serdicensis
- Phalacrocorax femoralis
- Phalacrocorax sp.
- Phalacrocorax longipes
- Phalacrocorax goletensis
- Phalacrocorax wetmorei
- Phalacrocorax sp.
- Phalacrocorax leptopus
- Phalacrocorax idahensis
- Phalacrocorax destefanii
- Phalacrocorax filyawi
- Phalacrocorax kumeyaay
- Phalacrocorax macer
- Phalacrocorax mongoliensis
- Phalacrocorax rogersi