This article lays down some of the useful barrel owl facts that are not known widespread. The Barred Owl belongs to the family of Strix varia and is endemic to North America. These are the large owls and are also known as Wood Owl, Striped Owl, Hooter Owl, and Rain Owl.
Barred Owl Facts
- The length of these species is around 40 – 63 cm (16 – 25 inches).
- Barred owl has a wingspan of 96 – 125 cm (38 – 49 inches).
- These types of owls weigh around 500 – 1,050 g (1.1 – 2.3).
- These birds have brown eyes with a yellow beak.
- There are few feathers to cover legs and feet.
Where Do Barred Owls Live
These owls are widely distributed all throughout eastern United States, Mexico, and Canada. Most of these owls have been killed by cars while crossing road. Quite a few numbers of northern spotted owls have been killed by barred owls.
What Do Barred Owls Eat
The barred owl facts about its diet show that these species take anything in that comes in their way as they are opportunistic feeders. They predominantly feed on voles, mink, weasels, rats, hares, rabbits, opossums, meadow voles, bats, squirrels, mice, and shrews.
These kinds of owls also eat birds like blue jays, doves, pigeons, woodpeckers, ducks, smaller owls, icterids, quails, and grouse. They take large preys with them to the roosting place where the ultimate meal is enjoyed; however, they gulp down the smaller preys. Other preys include lizards, salamanders, fish, beetles, clugs, crickets, grasshoppers, scorpions, snakes, frogs, crayfish, and turtles.
Barred Owl Facts about its Reproduction
- Normally, these types of owls prefer to live in tree cavity that is left by other birds like woodpeckers, cooper’s hawk and crow.
- These are not the migratory birds.
- The breeding season ranges from January to April.
- The clutch size comprises 2 – 4 eggs.
- The hatching period lasts for 30 days approximately.
- The young barred owls fledge out after 30 – 40 days.
- Great Horned Owls are the common predators of these birds and they are also responsible for the reduction of barred owls.
- The lifespan of barred owls is about 10 years in the wild; however, under captivity they can live up to 23 years.

Needs some editing. Odd sentence structure, word usage.